Amazon prime video launched a new reality show Skulls and Roses. The show is part of Amazon prime Original series 16 Hot boys and girl who survive on island Skulls and Roses island. The show is hosted by famous and popular reality tv hosts Raghu Ram and Rajiv Lakshman host the show duo. interested participate give Audition for Amazon Prime Skulls & Roses Audition, Casting call & Registration detail.
The show is romantic and adventures contestants will take to exciting journey on Skul and roses island this is the 1st time Amazon launched different formate of this reality show.
Amazon Prime Skulls & Roses Audition, Casting call Detail
Girls and Boys if your age is 18 and above you will be the eligible to
participate in the show. To send your entries for the Amazon Prime Skulls & Roses audition Clik the register button to fill the registration form.
At Registration form, you have to upload your two pics and your 2 minutes intro video. ones you submitted the form you will be shortlisted by Raghu& Rajiv
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