Here you will get chance to meet your Favorite star, Kapil Sharma. Family Time with Kapil Sharma show is launched on Sony TV. Set India giving chance to all Indian families to take part in the show and enjoy the show with their family. For participants in Family Time With Kapil Sharma Registration & Participants, Detail is mention below.
The famous Comedian Kapil Sharma is back with the new Family game show. “Family Time with Kapil Sharma and The show will be telecast on Sony Entertainment Television.
Family Time With Kapil Sharma Registration
The participants should be an Indian citizen and have any nationality proof Passport, Pan Card, Aadhar Card, Ration Card etc. to participate in the Family Time with Kapil Sharma, click on register button.
Participants have to fill the details in the Registration form, Like. Full name, Mobile number, Gender of Participant, Age, City, etc. Selected participants get a call from production Team. After that participant’s family get an Email confirmation for a date of shoot, and rehearsal.
Disclaimer: Family Time with Kapil Sharma registration is free of cost all viewers are requested to if any person demanding money don’t give the money The registration is free don’t pay any charges to any person.
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Kapil family show