Aahlada is an organization with the mission to promote the benefits of being competitive in your life and society. That will help you to be competitive in your academic, working and personal lives. Aahlada gives you an opportunity to everybody regardless of age to improve their skills, show their talent, challenging yourself to get better, stronger and to improve yourself. You have the talent of the singing and you able to sing song normally the join our Solo Singing Competition. Here below let’s see complete talent contest 2017 Registration Details.
If You have any Dancing, Singing and general knowledge then Register now. Who have completed 10 years and above they can join in the contest?. This is the golden opportunity to perform your hidden talent and win more prizes.
How to do talent contest 2017 Registration?
The Talent contests 2017 Registration open until May 2017. You can send your entries using WhatsApp, or Youtube link, or CD, or wetransfer.com.
Address: 36, T.I.E. Gate No. 1, Behind Balangar Andhra Bank Building, Balangar, Hyderabad.
Mobile: 8886034559
Email: [email protected]
#Competation Categories
Your hidden talent performs in fallowing categories Singing, Dancing, acting and more, that is given below every category.
- Best Chef
- Western / Folk Dance
- Fun Game
- Model of the year competition
- Music Competition
- Musical Instrument- Keyboard
- Classical Dance (Perini / Kuchipudi / Andhra Natyam)
- Science knowledge competition
- Simple Maths Competition
- Hand Writing contest
- Mono Acting contest
- Photography Competition
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